December 2014 Download this article as a PDF

Welcome to the December 2014 issue of the Technology Innovation Management Review. This month's editorial theme is Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

This issue includes five articles, the first four of which are a product of our ongoing collaboration with the International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM), a network of researchers, industrialists, consultants, and public bodies who share an interest in innovation management. Earlier versions of these four papers were presented at the first ISPIM Americas Innovation Forum from 5–8 October, 2014 in Montreal, Canada.

In the first article, Jens-Uwe Meyer, Managing Director of Innolytics, identifies four types of innovation cultures, each of which fosters a different degree of organizational creativity. Using exploratory factor analysis informed by a literature review, empirical data from a survey of 200 staff members of German, Austrian, and Swiss companies was analyzed. As a further output of the study, Meyer describes a new innovation management tool (Innolytics) to help companies initiate and implement innovation projects that vary greatly in the type, speed, and degree of innovation.

Next, Asceline Groot, Senior Communications Officer at ASN Bank, and Ben Dankbaar, Emeritus Professor of Innovation Management at Radboud University Nijmegen in the Netherlands, ask: "Does social innovation require social entrepreneurship?" They argue that every entrepreneurial action results in some measure of social innovation, regardless of the intentions of the entrepreneur. Thus, instead of labelling some enterprises as "social", Groot and Meyer propose that all enterprises should be measured on their social impacts, not their social intentions. They support their arguments by examining the social impact and viability of 20 enterprises widely considered as "social".

Then, Finn Hahn, a Product Development Engineer at Egatec A/S in Odense, Denmark, and Søren Jensen and Stoyan Tanev, Associate Professors at the University of Southern Denmark, examine the disruptive potential of value propositions in the 3D printing technology sector. By classifying existing business opportunities and examining the market offers of startups, they assess the degree of attractive and disruptiveness of the associated value propositions. Their article provides empirical support for the conceptualization of the degree of disruptiveness of the value proposition as a metric for the evaluation of the business potential of new technology startups.

In the fourth article, Dap Hartmann, Associate Professor of Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, reports on the impact of a "Turning Technology into Business" course in which graduate students create companies to commercialize technologies based on university-owned patents. Hartmann outlines the structure and the main content of the course and explains the selection process of both the patents used in the course and the students admitted to the course. The article includes a case study and lessons learned by students and course organizers.

Finally, Pinaki Pattnaik and Satyendra Pandey, professors from the Centre for Management Studies at Nalsar University of Law in Hyderabad, India, examine three questions about university spinoffs: i) what are they?, ii) why are they needed?, and iii) how are they created? After examining how university spinoffs are created by reviewing three existing models of university spinoff creation, the authors propose a more comprehensive multistage model.

Upcoming issues

In further collaboration with ISPIM, we are pleased to announce plans for a special issue of the TIM Review on the theme of Living Labs, which will feature articles from the upcoming ISPIM Innovation Conference from June 14–17 in Budapest, Hungary. Please examine the call for papers for the Living Labs conference track, and note that the submission deadline is January 9th, 2015. The special issue is scheduled for late 2015, and the guest editors will be Seppo Leminen, Dimitri Schuurman, Mika Westerlund, and Eelko Huizingh, from Laurea University of Applied Sciences in Finland, Ghent University in Belgium, Carleton University in Canada, and the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, respectively.

Another call for papers for an upcoming special issue of the TIM Review was recently featured on The article is a follow-up on a post in which the TIM Review was featured as one of five open access journals recommended for open source enthusiasts. This special issue is on Open Source Strategy and is scheduled for publication in May 2015. The guest editor is Mekki MacAulay from York University in Toronto, Canada. We encourage you to contact us right away if you would like to contribute an article. 

In January, we revisit the theme of Cybersecurity, which we covered in October and November. We received so many submissions for the first two issues, that we decided to schedule a third issue. We welcome back Tony Bailetti, Director of Carleton University's Technology Innovation Management program (TIM) and Executive Director (Acting) of the VENUS Cybersecurity Corporation, as guest editor.

But, for now, we look back at the most popular articles from the TIM Review's third year. Table 1 ranks the most popular articles published in the 12 issues between October 2013 and September 2014, based on traffic to over this period. This method strongly disadvantages more recently published articles, so the table also includes six trending articles that would appear in the main list if only recent traffic were considered. If you missed any of these articles when they first came out, I encourage you to add them to your reading list. Our full archive of articles is available on our website.

We hope you enjoy this issue of the TIM Review and will share your comments online. Please contact us with article topics and submissions, suggestions for future themes, and any other feedback.

Chris McPhee


Table 1. Most popular TIM Review articles published from October 2013 to September 2014*






From Idea Crowdsourcing to Managing User Knowledge

Rajala et al.

December 2013
Living Labs and Crowdsourcing


Risk Management in Crowdsourcing-Based Business Ecosystems

Kannangara & Uguccioni

December 2013
Living Labs and Crowdsourcing


3D Printing: A Revolutionary Advance for the Field of Urology?


March 2014
Emerging Technologies


Formulating an Executive Strategy for Big Data Analytics


March 2014
Emerging Technologies


The Businesses of Open Data and Open Source: Some Key Similarities and Differences

Lindman & Nyman

January 2014
Open Source Business


Corporate Lifecycles: Modelling the Dynamics of Innovation and Its Support Infrastructure

Koplyay et al.

October 2013
Managing Innovation


Developing a Social Network as a Means of Obtaining Entrepreneurial Knowledge Needed for Internationalization

Han & Afolabi

September 2014


Collaborative Idea Management: A Driver of Continuous Innovation

Bank & Raza

February 2014
Seeking Solutions


Open Innovation Processes in Living Lab Innovation Systems: Insights from the LeYLab

Schuurman et al.

November 2013
Living Labs


Using Boundary Management for More Effective Product Development

Thomson & Thomson

October 2013
Managing Innovation


A Living Lab as a Service: Creating Value for Micro-enterprises through Collaboration and Innovation


November 2013
Living Labs


Linking Living Lab Characteristics and Their Outcomes: Towards a Conceptual Framework

Veeckman et al.

December 2013
Living Labs and Crowdsourcing


IT Consumerization: A Case Study of BYOD in a Healthcare Setting


March 2014
Emerging Technologies


Innovation in Services: A Literature Review


April 2014
Service and Innovation


Actor Roles in an Urban Living Lab: What Can We Learn from Suurpelto, Finland?

Juujärvi & Pesso

November 2013
Living Labs

Designing Business Models for the Internet of Things

Westerlund et al.

July 2014

The Government of India's Role in Promoting Innovation through Policy Initiatives for Entrepreneurship Development


August 2014
Innovation and Entrepreneurship in India

Widening the Perspective on Industrial Innovation: A Service-Dominant-Logic Approach


May 2014
Service and Innovation

Entrepreneurship Education in India: A Critical Assessment and a Proposed Framework


August 2014
Innovation and Entrepreneurship in India

Conceptualizing Innovation in Born-Global Firms

Zijdemans & Tanev

September 2014

Product and Service Interaction in the Chinese Online Game Industry

Ström & Ernkvist

May 2014
Service and Innovation

*The rankings are based on website traffic to from October 1, 2013 to September 30, 2014. The list also includes 6 recently published articles (denoted by ↑) that would appear in the main list if only traffic from June 1, 2014 to November 30, 2014 were considered.


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Keywords: 3D printing, business models, commercialization, disruption, entrepreneurship, innovation, innovation capacity, innovation culture, patents, social entrepreneurship, social innovation, spinoffs, university technology transfer, value propositions