Authors, please note:
1. The TIM Review does not charge authors any fees.
2. Following review, and if your article is accepted, you will receive substantial editorial support to further improve the quality and presentation of your article.
3. You retain copyright to your work and grant the TIM Review permission to publish your submission under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. This means that you are able, and are encouraged, to redistribute, republish, and remix your work, as long as you attribute the Technology Innovation Management Review as the original publication source. Please also include a link back to your article on the TIM Review website.
4. Your article will be freely available online as soon as it is published (full open access).
5. For details, see our Copyright Notice and Open Access Statement.
The guidelines below should assist in the process of translating your expertise into a focused article that adds to the knowledge resources available through the Technology Innovation Management Review. Prior to writing an article, we recommend that you contact the Editor to discuss your article topic, the author guidelines, and upcoming editorial themes.
TIM Review Topic Model
Please examine the topics of the TIM Review issues published in the last couple of years and see if your topic could be positioned within the varieties of themes addressed by the different issues.
You can use the TIM Review topic model to examine the dominant publication themes over time. The topic model provides a visual representation of the journal focus and content.
When writing your article, keep the following points in mind:
• Clearly explain the problem you are trying to solve.
• Emphasize the practical application of your insights or research.
• Thoroughly examine the topic; don't leave the reader wonder or wishing for more.
• Know your central theme and stick to it.
• Demonstrate your depth of understanding for the topic, and that you have considered its benefits, possible outcomes, and applicability.
• Write in a formal, analytical style. Third-person voice is recommended; first-person voice may also be acceptable depending on the perspective of your article.
1. Use an article template: .docx (Word) .odt (Open Document/OpenOffice)
2. Indicate if your submission has been previously published or is under consideration by another publication.
3. Be concise: the article length should be between 3,000 and 5,000 words approximately.
4. Follow the instructions about the article structure provided in the above article template.
5. Include a 75-150 word biography.
6. Include 5 keywords for the article's metadata to assist search engines in finding your article.
7. Include any figures at the appropriate locations in the article, but also send separate graphic files at maximum resolution available for each figure
8. List the references at the end of the article (if using citation software, pick Academy of Management style). Include DOI links where possible.
1. If there are any additional texts that would be of interest to readers, include their full title and location URL in the References
2. There should be no ( ) on dates
3. There should be no space between initials
4. Journal/Book titles should be in Title case
5. Journals should be in italics
6. Use the same font consistently throughout the document
7. Use hyphens only, not dashes
Follow Academy of Management (AMA) style for the text body:
• If there are 2 authors, use “&”. E.g., “(Bailetti & Muegge, 2019).”
• More than 2 authors, use “et al.” (Tanev et al., 2012), even in first use.
• BUT… Don’t use “et al.” in text. Instead, use “and colleagues” or “and co-authors” or list all the authors. E.g., “In their study, Weiss and colleagues (2014) found that…”
• More than 2 references, semi-colons between references (or commas between years where an author is cited more than once. E.g., (McPhee, 2011; Westerlund et al., 2018; Weiss, 2016, 2017).
Academy of Management (AMA) style for References (examples) – with capitalized Titles:
• Granovetter, M.S. 1965. Getting a Job: A study of contracts and careers. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
• Kahn, R.L., & Boulding, E. (Eds.). 1964. Power and Conflict in Organizations. Glencoe, IL: Free Press.
• Dutton, J., Bartunek, J., & Gersick, C. 1996. Growing a Personal, Professional Collaboration. In P. Frost & S. Taylor (Eds.), Rhythms of Academic Life, London: Sage: 239-248.
• Shrivastava, P. 1995. The Role of Corporations in Achieving Ecological Sustainability. Academy of Management Review, 20: 936-960.
• Raykov, Y., Ozer, E., Dasika, G., Boukouvalas, A., & Little, M. 2016. Predicting Room Occupancy with a Single Passive Infrared (PIR) Sensor Through Behavior Extraction. Mathematics, Engineering & Applied Science, Systems Analytics Research Institute, 1061-1027.
• Bailetti, T., & Bot, S.D. 2013. An Ecosystem-Based Job-Creation Engine Fuelled by Technology Entrepreneurs. Technology Innovation Management Review, 3(2): 31-40. DOI:
• Muegge, S.M. 2011a. Business Ecosystems as Institutions of Participation: A systems perspective on community-developed platforms. Technology Innovation Management Review, 1(2): 4-13. DOI:
Submission Preparation Checklist
Please check that your submission contains all of the following:
• Title
• Author name(s)
• Quotation (with attribution)
• Abstract
• Introduction
• Literature streams, theoretical frameworks and perspectives
• Research method
• Summary of results and analysis of key findings
• Conclusion including summary of key points, descriptions of contributions, relevance, limitations, and suggestions for future research
• Author biographies
• Keywords
• References
• Figures as separate files (if applicable)
When your submission is ready, contact the Editor, who will begin the editorial process to review your article. Please indicate whether your work has been published elsewhere or is under consideration by another publication.