The editorial theme for this issue of the OSBR is Recent Research. In this issue, the authors report on the findings and relevance of their recent research into open source and the application ecosystems.
Carlo Daffara, head of research at Conecta, discusses the factors to consider when choosing open source licenses and business models, including recommendations for selecting a license to suit both business objectives and licensing constraints.
Monique Bardawil from Carleton University's Technology Innovation Management program, outlines her recent research into the mashup ecosystem, where businesses must develop appropriate strategies based on an accurate understanding of the structure of the ecosytem and the role of its key players.
Amanda Shiga, CMS Practice Lead at non~linear creations, studied the competitive actions taken by API providers in the mashup ecosystem. She presents her findings, which yielded insights for API providers to consider when tailoring their competitive strategies to suit this environment.
Islam Balbaa, Technical Business Analyst at Kinaxis, describes his recent research into the AppExchange, which examined the fit between software-as-a-service products and the requirements of particular business units.
Chulaka Ailapperuma, Senthilkumar Mukunda, and Shruti Satsangi from Carleton University's Technology Innovation Management program describe recent research that illustrates how social network analysis can be used to study online communities, including free/libre open source software developer teams.
We encourage readers to share articles of interest with their colleagues, and to provide their comments either online or directly to the authors.
The editorial theme for the upcoming March issue is Co-creation. We have invited authors from the Research Forum to Understand Business in Knowledge Society to contribute to this special issue. The Guest Editors will be Stoyan Tanev from the University of Southern Denmark and Marko Seppä from the University of Jyväskylä.
For subsequent issues, we welcome general submissions on the topic of open source business or the growth of early-stage technology companies. Please contact me if you are interested in submitting an article.
Chris McPhee