September 2016 Download this article as a PDF

Welcome to the September 2016 issue of the Technology Innovation Management Review. This month's editorial theme is Knowledge Mobilization, and I am pleased to introduce our guest editors, Cathy Malcolm Edwards, Managing Director of 1125@Carleton at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, and Kimberly Matheson, Professor of Neuroscience and Director of Carleton’s Canadian Health Adaptations, Innovations, & Mobilization (CHAIM) Centre.

The issue focuses on health, although the insights are more generally applicable to other fields, with or without a technology focus. The emphasis is on the mobilization of the knowledge produced through research. In this way, the insights play an important role in bridging the gap between research and practice, which is the key reason for selecting this theme for the TIM Review.

The authors contributing to this issue represent a diversity of disciplines within the health domain, including child and youth health (Barwick), men’s health (Moore et al.), industrial design and human factors (Trudel et al.), physical rehabilitation (Lemaire), older adults (Ysseldyk et al.), and public policy and social work (Braedley). They also bring a variety of perspectives from academia, hospitals, non-profit organizations, community-based researchers, and industry, and from the geographical regions of Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom.

We hope you enjoy this issue of the TIM Review and will share your comments online. In October, we feature articles selected and further developed from the 2016 ISPIM Innovation Forum in Porto, Portugal. ISPIM – the International Society for Professional Innovation Management – is a network of researchers, industrialists, consultants, and public bodies who share an interest in innovation management.

Our other upcoming issues include the themes of Smart Cities and Regions, Innovation in Tourism, and Living Labs. We welcome your submissions of articles on technology entrepreneurship, innovation management, and other topics relevant to launching and growing technology companies and solving practical problems in emerging domains. Please contact us with potential article topics and submissions.

Chris McPhee

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Keywords: design, healthcare, knowledge mobilization, knowledge translation, planning, research