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Risto Rajala
Aalto University
Risto Rajala conducts research on IT service innovation and client-provider collaboration in service development focusing on user-centered development, implementation and application of Information Systems at the Aalto University, Finland. Rajala’s PhD thesis investigated the antecedents and performance effects of software vendors’ business models. His recent projects have been centered on the issues of organizational service orientation and users’ service experiences in the IT service context. Rajala’s current research projects investigate the management of distributed software projects, IS/business alignment, IT-enabled transformation of firms’ business models, open source software development and user acceptance of information technology. Rajala’s research in these areas includes the socio-technical aspects of using IT, and, the effects of IT on the productivity of organizations. His work has been published in more than 60 articles in refereed journals, international conference proceedings, academic books and other scientific volumes.