Image credit: XoMEoX (CC-BY)Welcome to the October issue of the Technology Innovation Management Review. We welcome your comments on the articles in this issue as well as suggestions for future article topics and issue themes.PDF: Download this issueIn This Issue:Editorial: Blockchain (October 2017)Chris McPhee, Anton LjuticAnticipating the Economic Benefits of BlockchainMelanie SwanSmart Contract Relations in e-Commerce: Legal Implications of Exchanges Conducted on the BlockchainPhilippa RyanHitching Healthcare to the Chain: An Introduction to Blockchain Technology in the Healthcare SectorMark A. EngelhardtA Blockchain Ecosystem for Digital Identity: Improving Service Delivery in Canada’s Public and Private SectorsGreg WolfondQ&A. Is Internal Audit Ready for Blockchain?Hugh Rooney, Brian Aiken, Megan Rooney Index Editorial: Blockchain (October 2017) ›