April 2012 Download this article as a PDF

From the Editor-in-Chief

It is my pleasure to welcome back Tony Bailetti, Director of Carleton University's Technology Innovation Management program, as the guest editor for four issues on the theme of Technology Entrepreneurship: February, March, April, and May.

In June, we will examine the theme of Global Business Creation with Marko Seppä, founder of Global Faculty Partners for Problems Worth Solving LP, and Stoyan Tanev, Associate Professor at the University of Southern Denmark.

In July, we will be joined by Stephen Huddart, President and CEO of the J.W. McConnell Family Foundation, as guest editor for the theme of Social Innovation.

Also note that Dave Thomas is delivering the next TIM Lecture at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, on April 19, 2012. His lecture title is "Next Generation Technology Challenges & Business Opportunities". The event is free; register here if you wish to attend.

As always, we welcome your feedback, suggestions for future themes, and contributions of articles. We hope you enjoy this issue of the TIM Review and will share your comments on articles online. Please also feel free to contact us directly with feedback or article submissions.

Chris McPhee


From the Guest Editor

Welcome to the April issue of the TIM Review. This is the third of four issues that examine technology entrepreneurship.

The April issue includes five articles and a report on a TIM lecture. The five articles provide: i) tools and actionable processes that can be used to describe a firm’s business model, define a business opportunity, and balance mainstream exploitation and new-stream exploration; ii) a discussion of the horizon-management issues faced by top management teams of large entrepreneurial companies; and iii) a description of the role of a university in technology entrepreneurship. The report summarizes the second lecture of the 2012 TIM Lecture Series titled “The Importance of Dealing with Risk for New Businesses”, presented by Tony Lackey on March 21, 2012.

Steven Muegge, an Assistant Professor at the Sprott School of Business at Carleton University, provides a tool that a technology entrepreneur can use to describe a firm’s business model in a form that is both concise and explicit. Dr. Muegge also shares preliminary results and lessons learned gained from applying the tool in six technology startups.

Michael Weiss, an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Engineering and Design at Carleton University, describes an approach that technology entrepreneurs can use to discover business opportunities from examining user frustrations.  

Sonia Bot, an executive that specializes in strategy and business execution for technology innovation and corporate entrepreneurship ventures, describes a process-based perspective to balancing mainstream exploitation and new-stream exploration in medium and large-sized entrepreneurial firms. The resulting capability is known as process ambidexterity and requires disciplined, agile, and lean business management.

Peter Carbone, an executive who is often called on to address new business and technology challenges, discusses some of the horizon-management issues faced by top management teams of large entrepreneurial companies and overviews some mechanisms and processes that have worked effectively.

Jonathan Wells, Executive Director of the Research Centre in Technology Innovation at Carleton University, discusses the role that universities play in the process of launching and supporting small and medium-sized technology-based businesses.

Tony Lackey, Manager of Risk and Insurance at Carleton University, discussed how risk management can play an important role in the success of a new business. He identified the key risks faced by new entrepreneurs and the risk mitigation techniques of which they should be aware.

The field of technology entrepreneurship offers many opportunities for scholarly inquiry and innovative industrial initiatives. We are delighted with the quality and quantity of the articles on technology entrepreneurship that have been submitted. 

We hope that you, your colleagues, and your organizations benefit from reading the April issue of the TIM Review.

Tony Bailetti
Guest Editor

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