From the Editor-in-Chief
Welcome to the June 2019 issue of the Technology Innovation Management Review. The authors in this issue share insights on management innovation, female managers and entrepreneurs, ecosystem strategies for technology startups, and the current status and future of action research.
First, Haven Allahar from the University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago proposes a project development planning model that integrates management innovation tools related to the field of project planning. Tested by a consulting firm over several applications and focused on the context of a small developing country, the approach has implications for managers, consultants, and professionals involved in the design, planning, and implementation of a wide range of development projects.
In the second article, Mervi Rajahonka and Kaija Villman from the South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences XAMK, Finland, examine how female managers and entrepreneurs are employing digital technologies in their working and private lives and what they think about digitalization. Through individual interviews and group discussions with 42 female managers and entrepreneurs, the study focused on digitalization, skills, careers, working patterns, work–life balance, and wellbeing. The findings emphasize the importance of contextual features related to digital technologies and the domestication of digital technologies.
Next, Taina Tukiainen from Aalto University in Finland and Thommie Burström and Martin Lindell from Hanken School of Economics, also in Finland, present a dynamic strategic framework of three strategies employed by technology startups seeking to operate within and between ecosystems. In the first strategy, startups choose to act within one defined business ecosystem, in the second and most common strategy, startups use a multi-ecosystem strategy to act between and draw benefits from many business ecosystems, and in the third strategy, startups act as ecosystem creators that challenge the logics of existing ecosystems.
Finally, we feature an interview with David Coghlan, Professor Emeritus at the Trinity Business School, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, who is considered one of the founding fathers of modern action research. He is interviewed by Erik Lindhult from Mälardalen University in Sweden, who was one of our guest editors for two special issues on the theme of Action Research in April and May. David offers his reflections on the present and future of the theory and practice of action research, as well as the patterns he sees in these recent publications in the TIM Review.
For future issues, we are accepting general submissions of articles on technology entrepreneurship, innovation management, and other topics relevant to launching and growing technology companies and solving practical problems in emerging domains. Please contact us with potential article topics and submissions, and proposals for future special issues.
Chris McPhee
Keywords: action research, development projects, digitization, innovation, management innovation, women entrepreneurs, women managers