Image credit: Suzie Tremmel (CC-BY)Welcome to the February issue of the Technology Innovation Management Review. We welcome your comments on the articles in this issue as well as suggestions for future article topics and issue themes.PDF: Download this issueIn This Issue:Editorial: Inclusive Innovation in Developed Countries (February 2018)Chris McPhee, R. Sandra Schillo, Louise Earl, Jeff KinderSmart Farming: Including Rights Holders for Responsible Agricultural InnovationKelly BronsonGender-Specific Constraints on Academic Entrepreneurship and Engagement in Knowledge and Technology TransferAnna Sinell, Roda Müller-Wieland, Antonia MuschnerInclusive Innovation in Biohacker Spaces: The Role of Systems and NetworksJeremy de Beer, Vipal JainSupporting Self-Determined Indigenous Innovations: Rethinking the Digital Divide in CanadaJasmin Winter, Justine BoudreauConvergent Innovation in Food through Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for Societal-Scale Inclusive GrowthLaurette Dubé, Pan Du, Cameron McRae, Neha Sharma, Srinivasan Jayaraman, Jian-Yun Nie Index Editorial: Inclusive Innovation in Developed Countries (February 2018) ›