Image credit: Donna Cleveland (CC-BY)Welcome to the August issue of the Technology Innovation Management Review. We welcome your comments on the articles in this issue as well as suggestions for future article topics and issue themes.PDF: Download this issueIn This Issue:Editorial: Insights (August 2017)Chris McPheeA Structured Approach to Academic Technology Transfer: Lessons Learned from imec’s 101 ProgrammeDimitri Schuurman, Stan De Vocht, Sven De Cleyn, Aron-Levi HerregodtsEffects of Business Model Development Projects on Organizational Culture: A Multiple Case Study of SMEsUlla Santti, Tuomo Eskelinen, Mervi Rajahonka, Kaija Villman, Ari HapponenThe Sharing Economy and the Future of Personal Mobility: New Models Based on Car SharingOlga NovikovaHow Researchers Use Social Media to Promote their Research and Network with IndustryPäivi Jaring, Asta BäckQ&A. Does Machiavelli’s The Prince Have Relevant Lessons for Modern High-Tech Managers and Leaders?Clovia Hamilton Index Editorial: Insights (August 2017) ›